Monday, December 29, 2014

Pet Peeves. "Mrs StuckInSchool".

DISCLAIMER:  Lengthy Post.

Oh, social media.  I have such a love-hate relationship with you.  On one hand, I have "friends" on my Facebook that are only there because... well, I'm nosy and quite a few of them are complete and utter train-wrecks.  I mean, no one actually likes a train-wreck - but it's one of those dirty little things that you just can't help but watch.  Let's be honest... there is a whole CATEGORY of people who I just don't un-friend simply because there's almost always some kind of screwy drama going on in their life.  Some of the cray-cray they freely and regularly post is downright titillating.

And then there are the other "friends" - those who are not necessarily in the smash-crash category, yet they are just assholes in their own right.  The posts where you'll do a double-take and think "where in the jolly FUCK did THAT just come from?"

Pet Peeve Numero Uno

The fact is, unless you talk to someone on a regular basis (whether it by by messenger, text, telephone, email, etc...), most people on FB are not really your *friends* (per se).  They are acquaintances.  Big huge difference.  I might "like" a status every so often, but I don't actually interact with most of the (close to) 300 "friends" on my Facebook.  I find myself interacting with the same real friends every day.  The others??  I don't really care.  They are usually there for my amusement and I'll un-friend if they bore me.  

They are not FRIENDS.  They are acquaintances.  Learn the difference.


Pet Peeve Numero Dos

Then there are the "Mrs StuckInSchool"** [women] who write statuses about drinking games and previously "being fat" - you know the type.  They hit their pinnacle, their prime, their best, before reaching the ancient age of 21.  They are the people who would go back in time JUST BECAUSE their experience in the public education penitentiary was just *the best*.  Usually, they were the über-popular preppy or sports-lettered douche-bags that almost everyone else despised.  Back in the day, they were bullies and usually quite unpleasant to those not in their clique.  

Well, they haven't changed.  Posting a picture of a piece of cheesecake with the idiotic hashtag of "foreverthefatgirl" (heads-up, peeps - that twat was never fat - and she wouldn't have wanted to go back to high school had she been) AND "thisiswhyicrossfit" (well, duh - we ALL KNOW you *crossfit* because you post your fucking exercise list on Facebook or Instagram EVERY day) just screams "Attention Whore!".  Nothing more, nothing less.  Oh, and it makes me think less of these "ladies" than I did before, if that is even possible. 

Oh, and let's not forget about posting all the beer-pong and drinking games you do at almost-forty.  It's pathetic and goes to show that some people never evolve.

PS...  I hid "Mrs StuckInSchool" from my newsfeed today because I wanted to hand her a steaming pile of sarcasm on a shit platter.  Being the upstanding adult I am, I vented to two of my best friends (one who talked me down - thank you!!) and so I didn't write anything nasty.  

Pet Peeve Numero Tres

Sometimes being an adult about things simply blows dead donkey dick.  Please see *Pet Peeve Numero Dos* for just one of the reasons (minus bills, car insurance, and long-term planning for expensive things) as to why being a grown-up can suck.

Pet Peeve Numero Cuatro

Passive-aggressive people.  It's one thing to be Politically Correct at times and it's also another thing to simply keep your trap shut if you know that you absolutely cannot say something nice.  I'm an atheist, but that doesn't mean that whenever an acquaintance (who may be religious) posts something god-tastic on their wall, I should then reply with a litany of why *I* think their religion sucks.  Which is why I find it so shitty when I write something or post an article about atheism and a religious person feels compelled to tell me that I need Jesus or Allah or L. Ron Hubbard.  Really????  

And it's almost always done in that sick, syrup-y sweet passive-aggressive fashion that I can't respond to unless I want to look like an absolute and utter bitch.  Because these people have made an art out of appearing like they actually care - and therefore, I'm supposed to thank them for underhandedly insulting me.  

Just give me the same consideration and keep your snarky little comments off my wall, mmmmmmmkay???

Pet Peeve Numero Cinco

The inconsiderate hippie bastards who live upstairs.  I'm tired of their shitty music, on a weeknight, when someone in this house has to get up at 5:30 AM to go to work.  I get that they are on a different "work" (which I'm really not sure that either one of them do steadily) schedule, but a little fucking consideration would go a long way.  

I will remedy this, however.  Tomorrow morning, I will be sure to play my music extremely loud around 8:00 AM.  This usually makes them think before playing recorders, tambourines, and bad Bob Dylan music until all hours (happens about once a week).  I'm thinking that some speed metal will hit the spot.  For me, at least.  


So...  I could probably go on for a while more - but quite honestly, I think that this is enough for today.  Being negative is really not really productive, but ranting about what makes me crazy and getting it off my chest is very therapeutic.  

**Special thanks to TD - for the term "Mrs StuckInSchool".  You are so spot-on with that.

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