Personally, I think if more people simply admitted to this, there would be far less traffic to "Passages Malibu" and AA. A&E's "Intervention" would not be such a train wreck to watch (while drinking booze, no less)... Which brings me to...
Charlie Sheen. That's right. THE Charlie Sheen.
(Photo credit to 2012 FX Ad Sales)
I'm not going to lie. In my own cray-cray fashion, I admire the man. You see, he pulled a full-on Howard Hughes - he went whack-a-doodle - but PUBLICLY (unlike Hughes - who had been living in a home movie theatre for months and pissing in bottles). Seriously. Now, when a Holy-Wood star fucks up, the usual "script" requires that he or she writes some bullshit apology letter (or better yet, gets some heavy play on a massive cable network "news" show), goes on "Good Morning America", gives a bunch of money (or time) to a charity, and then - to prove that they are really. seriously. sorry. they check into REHAB.
Oh, but NOT CHARLIE!! Nope. He kept snorting the coke and smoking the meth and banging the hookers, and posting the awesome YouTube rants (which generated tee-shirt sales AND garnered media attention) - and he made no apologies for it. Selfish?? Perhaps. Narcissistic?? Most definitely. But even more shocking?? He might have been fucking nuts, but he was honest about it. And when was the last time you saw a Holy-Wood star doing something like that??
Yeah, he probably WAS either high or drunk (or both) - but I don't really give a shit.
So let's come full circle to a little Juggsy logic. I drink at times to get drunk. I stay at home, eat crap-tastic drunk food sold at the Stop-And-Rob ("Pizzeria Pretzel Combos", anyone??), watch some really bad reality TV, jibber-jabber to my friends on the phone (thank you Drunk Dial Friends - you know who you are, and you're the best), and play on the interwebz. Worst case scenario?? I trip and fall and can't get up or burn a shitty frozen pizza in the oven. Or the dog gets too many treats (for the record, she does NOT think this is a bad thing).
You tell me... why should there be a stigma attached to a legal activity done in the privacy of one's own home?? Because Charlie Sheen would say this:
"I'm a warlock with tiger blood" and " I have Adonis DNA" and "I'm winning". Duh.
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