Monday, January 12, 2015

[Root] Beer For Breakfast. MuchToDo.

Oh, joyous Monday, you are here to remind us that there is another week in front of us, another weekend yet behind.  And I am actually up.  Apparently, I screwed up thinking that I was expecting someone this morning - and they are really arriving TOMORROW morning... so I set Chopper (my iPhone) to wake me up at 7:20 AM today.  So much for having all of my shit in one sock.  So much for sleeping in.   Le sigh.

We are low on Coke Zero here... so I swilled down my daily *vitamins* with a diet IBC [root] beer.  As much as I love root beer, the name always throws me off.  Why??  Because the acronym used could mean many things (some of which are quite gross):

  • Irritable Bowel Cancer (and then I almost always think of the movie "Fight Club")
  • Irate Butt Crack
  • Inferior Bolt Cutters
  • Incensed Busy Cunt

See???  It doesn't take much.  Or at least much for me to have my mind in the gutter.  So, that's my root beer confession for this morning.  

Unfortunately, I have a lot of things on my mind, cluttering up my head.  So, I started using lists.  Please let me vent now... because I *hate* making and then using lists (because in my stupid little mind, I become reliant on "the list").  And I tend to get frustrated when I write everything down - or at least THINK that I have everything on there I need - and yet forget one little something.  Fucking lists!!  And of course, the item I missed because of the ever-fucking list is the ONLY item I truly needed.

Save me.  Save me from lists.  And from myself.  And from my over thinking brain.  

Let me add some more excitement to this day.  Apparently, my husband put the candy bowl on the floor in order for me to wipe off the dining room table after a meal.  It doesn't take much for a DOG to figure out that the bowl is full of candy.  Said dog ate a whole candy cane (full size) - at least she didn't like the wrapper, because I've been picking pieces of that shit up all over the house.  

1 comment:

  1. I almost missed the root in root beer. We almost went the opposite way this morning as far as getting up.Michael thought it was Sunday and when the alarm went off he shut it off and rolled over to go back to sleep. I had to poke him and ask him what he was doing, wasn't he getting up for work? That's a bummer about missing a sleeping in opportunity, I take those every chance I get. So no sleeping in tomorrow right?

    I understand where you are coming from with lists, I find I do that when I'm really anxious, I know you have a lot on your mind and a lot going on so the lists you are making make sense even if you don't like doing it.

    The dog must have some good smelling breath now! ;) Mine always loved dum-dums.

    Maybe a good nap today would help reset the hyperactive brain and make up for missing the sleeping in this morning?
